Course curriculum

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    Instructors' Introduction

    • Meet the Authors

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    Unit 1: Basic Economic Concepts (8 to 10 class periods; 5 - 10% of class)

    • 1.1 Scarcity (1 and 1/2 class periods)

    • 1.2 Production Possibilities Curve (Frontier) Part I (1 and a 1/2 class periods)

    • 1.2 Production Possibilities Curve (Frontier) Part II (1 and a 1/2 class periods)

    • 1.3 Comparative Advantage and Trade (1 class period)

    • 1.1 thru 1.3 HOMEWORK or IN-CLASS EVALUATIONS (2 class periods)

    • 1.4 Demand (Quantity Demanded vs. Demand) (2 class periods)

    • 1.5 Supply (Quantity Supplied vs. Supply) (2 class periods)

    • 1.6 Market Equilibrium, Disequilibrium, and Changes in Equilibrium, Part I (2 class periods)

    • 1.6 Market Equilibrium, Disequilibrium, and Changes in Equilibrium, Part II (1 class period)

    • 1.4 thru 1.6 HOMEWORK or IN-CLASS EVALUATIONS (1 and 1/2 class periods)

    • Unit 1 Quiz (20 Question) (You Must Receive a 70% or Higher to Move on in this Class) SAVE GRADE INSIDE YOUR ECONOMICS JOURNAL

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    Unit 2: Economics Indicators and the Business Cycle (9 - 11 class periods; 12 - 17% of the exam)

    • 2.1 The Circular Flow and GDP (2 class periods)

    • 2.2 Limitations of GDP (1 and 1/2 class periods)

    • 2.3 Unemployment (2 class periods)

    • 2.4 and 2.5 Price Indices, Inflation, and Cost of Inflation (2 class periods)

    • 2.6 Real v. Nominal GDP (1 class period)

    • 2.7 Business Cycles (1 and 1/2 class periods)

    • Unit 2 Quiz (20 Questions) (You Must Receive a 70% or Higher to Move on in this Class)

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    Unit 3: National Income and Price Determination (10 to 12 class periods; 17 - 27% of class)

    • 3.1 Aggregate Demand (AD) (1 and 1/2 days)

    • 3.2 Multipliers (1 and 1/2 days)

    • 3.3 Short-Run Aggregate Supply (SRAS) (1 and 1/2 days)

    • 3.4 Long-Run Aggregate Supply (LRAS) (1 and 1/2 days)

    • 3.5 and 3.6 Equilibrium and Changes in the Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply (ASAD Model) (1 and 1/2 days)

    • 3.8 and 5.5 Fiscal Policy, Government Deficits, and National Debt (2 days)

    • 3.7 Long-Run Self-Adjustment (1 and 1/2 days)

    • 3.9 Automatic Stabilizers (1 day)

    • Unit 3 Quiz (20 Questions) (20 Questions) (You Must Receive a 70% or Higher to Move on in this Class)

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    Unit 4: Financial Sector (11 to 13 class periods; 18 - 23% of class)

    • 4.1 Financial Assets (1 day)

    • 4.2 Nominal vs. Real Interest Rates (1/2 day)

    • 4.3 Definition, Measurement, and Functions of Money (1 and 1/2 days)

    • 4.4 Banking and the Expansion of the Money Supply (2 days)

    • 4.5 The Money Market (1 and 1/2 days)

    • 4.6 Monetary Policy (3 days)

    • 4.6 NEW Monetary Policy (1 day) Ample Reserves Regime (The NEW FED Monetary Policy Tools 2019 - Present)

    • 4.7 Loanable Funds Market (2 days)

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    Unit 5: Long-Run Consequences of Stabilization Policies (8 to 10 class periods; 20 - 30% of class)

    • 5.1 Fiscal and Monetary Policy Actions in the Short Run (1 and 1/2 days)

    • 5.2 The Phillips Curve (2 days)

    • 5.3 Money Growth and Inflation (1 day)

    • 5.4 Government Deficits and the National Debt--GO TO 3.8 Fiscal Policy, Government Deficit, and National Debt

    • 5.5 Crowding Out (1/2 day)

    • 5.6 and 5.7 Economic Growth and Public Policy(1 and 1/2 days)

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    Unit 6: Open Economy --International Trade and Finance (5 to 7 class periods; 10 - 13% of class)

    • 6.1 Balance of Payments Account (2 class periods)

    • 6.2 Exchange Rates (1 class period)

    • 6.3 Exchange Rates (2 class period)

    • 6.4 and 6.5 Effect of Changes in Policies and Economic Conditions on the Foreign Exchange Market and the Change in Net Exports (2 class periods)

    • 6.5 and 6.6 Changes in the Foreign Exchange Market and Net Exports; Real Interest Rates and International Capital Flows (2 class periods)

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    Principles of Macroeconomics Resources

    • NEW Current Events Articles--Coming on September 15

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    Future Lessons

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lesson

    • Future Lessons

    • Future Lessons

    • Future Lessons

    • Future Lessons

    • Future Lessons

    • Future Lessons